Big 4 Agenda

Thwake Multi-Purpose Dam project is a key project supporting Vision 2030 and an enabler of the Big 4 Agenda. The project will be a long-term supplier of water to the Konza Technopolis.


Development of water supply infrastructure to treat and distribute up to 150,000 cubic metres of treated water per day before consumption by the residents and livestock will improve on health. It will also supply clean water to Level 3 and 2 hospitals in Makueni and Kitui counties. The water will be treated to minimize chances of residents contaminating water-borne diseases spread via contaminated water. Studies in the area revealed that 34% of households do not treat water for drinking, hence prone to contracting water borne diseases such typhoid and cholera.


The project will be a long-term supplier of water to the Konza Technopolis which is a key project under manufacturing pillar. Availability of power will also enable residents to start small-holder industries like fruit processing among others. Through creation of small industries, the project will create jobs to thousands of youths.

Food Security

Irrigation has been identified as a driver of the Big 4 Agenda in achieving food and nutrition security. The model farm of 100 hectares once developed will contribute to food self-sufficiency in the areas. Availability of water will enable thousands of residents drawn from rural parts of Makueni, Kitui and parts of Machakos till their land and realize bumper harvests