Construction Works

The Contract for construction of Thwake dam embankment and associated works was signed on 15th November, 2017 between the Government of Kenya and China Gezhouba Group Company (CGGC) Limited and the Contractor (CGGC) was granted access to site for commencement of construction works on 27th March, 2018 for a period of 56 Months giving completion date of the dam project at 4th November 2022. However, this is being fast tracked to have the dam completed by June 2022.

Progress on the key activities include:

Excavation works on water diversion Tunnels A and B which are complete. Currently the lining of the tunnels is ongoing. Tunnel A is 731 metres long with a diameter of 12 metres and Tunnel B is 797 metres with a diameter of 12 metres. Approach Channel excavation is ongoing while Outlet Channel excavation is almost complete.

Excavation at the discharge channel and power house is complete. Spillway excavation is also complete while the Dam Axis (embankment) excavation works is ongoing. Rock fill at the embankment is ongoing, with plinth construction in progress. The two (2) coffer dam designs are under review and construction is scheduled to commence in September 2021. Construction of the employer and engineer’s permanent site offices completed and occupied.