Environment Health and Safety

We will help mitigate climate change impacts by generating clean power and hence reduce on Green House Gas emissions that would have otherwise been emitted from thermal power generating sources. The dam also addresses climate change adaptation in terms of both flood control management and drought management. The Program entails climate change risk management measures such as the reduction of the vulnerability of the surrounding communities to droughts that have caused huge crop failure and limited availability of potable water for human consumption. As Kenya’s hydropower generation has also been impacted by severe droughts in the recent past, additional reservoir water storage capacity will make hydropower generation more resilient to climate change.

Measures in place to minimize impacts of climate change
We have put the following measures to minimize the impact to climate change:

  • Maintenance program: The Contractor and subcontractors are implementing a maintenance program for all earth-moving machines, vehicles and other fuel-powered equipment.
  • Provision of Training, Information and Instructions: The Contractor is providing relevant training, information and instruction to all employees on site that are relevant in the fight against climate change i.e. timely notification of fault equipment especially
    engines to be repaired and maintained in good condition for complete combustion of fuel.
  • Promoting clean energy such as Solar energy: The Contractor has implemented environmentally friendly energy sources such as solar panel which is more effective and efficient to achieve ZERO carbon footprint.
  • Tree Planting Program: Contractor has continuously rolled out a program of planting trees around camps. Tree planting by key government visitors to the site aims to encourage afforestation thus compensating the vegetation destruction that was done during bush clearing to pave way for project construction.
  • Greening Program: Contractor is advised to develop and implement a tree planting program in schools and other government institutions by providing tree seedlings as part of community social responsibility and social afforestation initiative
  • Constituting a team for Climate Change Warriors
  • Training and Awareness of Climate Change for the team spearheading Climate Change
  • Ensure efficient operations of equipment using fossil fuels
  • Ban on open-air combustion for all waste on site
  • Embrace the use of Solar Energy for lighting as much as possible especially in offices, security
  • Involve and engage the county governments, NGOs and other stakeholders who work in climate change sector to achieve the intended goals
  • Conducting information dissemination, campaigns and awareness about climate change to the community living around the project site
  • We are committed in implementing 3Rs program (Reduction, Recycle & Re-Use) in management of solid waste on site
  • We are controlling blasting by ensuring the Contractor applies suitable rationing of explosives and detonators that will ensure complete use of ammonia nitrate during explosion process thus reducing amount of nitrogen released into the air