The Land Acquisition

Acquistion of Land for the Dam Project
The Government has acquired 9,158 acres of land for the dam project displacing approximately 1,792 persons refered to as Project Affected Persons (PAPs). As at 30th June, 2021 a total number of 1,783 Project Affected Persons (PAPs) out of the targeted 1,792 Project Affected Persons (PAPs) have been fully compensated and relocated from the dam site. This translates to 99.49% compensation level. There is a balance of 9 unpaid PAPs due to family disputes. The contractor has full access to the acquired land uninterrupted. Meanwhile the Ministry is in the process of acquiring an additional land of 24.2654 Hectares (59.9598 acres) covering 9 land parcels with 28 Project Affected Persons (PAPs) to accommodate construction of employer’s camp, a saddle dam, enlarged spillway and main road.